Get Involved

Parents & Families
Get Involved
The East Midlands Neonatal Operational Delivery Network (EMNODN) were recently successful in a bid for funding from the East Midlands Academic Health Science Network (EMAHSN) to develop projects that ensure preterm babies get the best start in life.
With the funding, we plan to create four educational videos for parents and staff focusing on these subjects:
Skin-to-skin at delivery
Early breastmilk expression
Introduction to Neonatal Networks
Introduction to FICare
The help we are looking for
We are looking for parents/carers who have experienced neonatal care to help us in the creation of these videos.
This could involve (but is not limited to):
providing suggestions from a parent's/carer's perspective on what information they would like included in the video/s.
reviewing the content of the video/s and providing feedback
being part of the video/s
sharing your experience in the video/s
You can decide how much you would like to be involved and which video/s you would like to be involved with.
Accessible Information and communication support
The EMNODN will do their best to provide information in alternative languages and formats and professional communication support at meetings and events. This includes the arrangement of professional communication support to enable you to participate effectively in meetings and events.
Participants with a need for information in an alternative language and/or format, and/or for communication support, should inform the EMNODN as soon as possible to enable appropriate arrangements to be made. Where individuals have specific, personal and/or complex needs and prefer to arrange their own support, the EMNODN reimburse these costs where agreed upon in advance with the EMNODN, and with evidence of expenditure such as receipts.
Payment Eligibility
Rates for involvement will be £150 per day/meeting (more than four hours) or £75 per half day (four hours or less), including travel.
Expenses will be reimbursed as detailed below.
Covering expenses
This means we will cover the costs you may incur when participating in this project.
The East Midlands Neonatal Operational Delivery Network (EMNODN) will reimburse all reasonable expenses, agreed in advance, that do not exceed the agreed rates below.
Receipts are required for all expenses, except where travel and accommodation are booked directly by EMNODN. We will reimburse the actual expenses incurred and not approximate or ‘rounded’ amounts.
There may be instances where participation costs are a barrier to involvement in ways not directly covered here. We would encourage you to discuss your needs with us so that solutions can be explored. Assessment of such situations, and the support provided, will be on a case-by-case basis.
At your request, EMNODN can discuss the option of pre-booking and pay for certain expenses in advance, so you are not out of pocket.
Where trains are needed to facilitate attendance at meetings/events etc., these can be booked in advance by the EMNODN to prevent you from being out of pocket. In this case, booking arrangements will need to be made in good time to ensure that cost-effective travel options can be utilised and any tickets can be posted to or collected by the traveller.
Whether the booking is made in advance by the EMNODN or by yourself (and being reimbursed by completing the expenses form) and then expensed, the ‘lowest logical fare’ should be booked for rail journeys, making the best use of off-peak and advance fare discounts. The EMNODN staff may ask you about the most cost-effective and convenient routes for you and whether you have a rail card which may be used to reduce costs.
Rail travel will be via standard class. First class travel is not permitted unless this is needed for reasons of disability or other medical/health/access need, for example, where you require a larger/more supportive seat to transfer to from a wheelchair and/or table service (where this is not available in standard class) as they are unable to move safely through the train. This may include participants with, for example, motor neurone disease, multiple sclerosis or who have had one or more amputations. These requirements must be discussed and agreed upon in advance between you and your EMNODN contact. Evidence (for example, a medical note) may be required to support the request.
The cost of travel by bus or tram will be reimbursed when accompanied by receipts or tickets stating the price paid for travel.
Taxis may only be used where there is a justification on the grounds of:
Cost-effectiveness due to multiple people travelling to the same place
Personal safety, for example, travelling late at night
Disability, impairment or long-term condition (Evidence, such as a medical note, may be required to support the request)
Efficiency, for example, meetings held in different parts of a city during the day
Travelling with heavy or bulky items of equipment or luggage
Where it is the only feasible mode of transport.
Participants wishing to travel by taxi should discuss this in advance with their EMNODN contact. Claims for the cost of travel by taxi should be evidenced through receipts. Where participants would find it difficult or are unable to pay upfront for the cost of a taxi, the discussion should take place with their EMNODN contact about alternative options.
Independent travel
Parents and Carers using their own transport can make mileage claims using the expenses form. The mileage rate will be paid according to current nationally agreed levels.
Currently, this will be paid at:
Car- 56 pence per mile
Motorcycles- 28 pence per mile
Pedal cycles- 20 pence per mile
Passengers- 5 pence per mile
The cost of car parking to enable a participant to attend a meeting or event will be reimbursed on the production of receipts. Participants are expected to use the most cost-effective parking options available, having due regard for personal safety and other considerations, especially when travelling at night.
Participants are personally liable for any excess parking penalties, charges or fines issued to them. The EMNODN will provide no refunds on these charges. Similarly, excess fare charges on any means of public transport are normally the responsibility of the participant and not the EMNODN, unless it can be demonstrated that this was an unavoidable circumstance beyond their control.
Although it will not be usual for a need to stay overnight, this may be appropriate in some circumstances. . Examples of circumstances in which it may be appropriate for the EMNODN to cover the cost of accommodation include:
• Without an overnight stay, the participant would need to leave home before 6 am to arrive at the event.
• The participant has a condition or disability that makes travelling for too long in one day difficult (Evidence, such as a medical note, may be required to support the request).
• The cost of travel, overnight accommodation and food/drink are cheaper than rail travel on the day of the event (taking into account advance booking options).
Accommodation requirements must be discussed and agreed upon in advance between the participant and the EMNODN. In the exceptional circumstances where an overnight stay is required, this will be arranged and paid for by the EMNODN (following prior agreement with the Network Director/Lead Nurse).
Food and Drinks
If participants are involved in EMNODN activities requiring them to be away from home for considerable periods, reimbursement for the cost of meals and drinks may be claimed as below. Receipts must be retained and submitted with the expenses form.
Breakfast (when leaving home before 7 am)- maximum of £5
Lunch (when away from home for more than four hours, including between the hours of 12noon and 2 pm)- maximum of £5
Evening meal (when away from home after over ten hours and beyond 7 pm)- maximum of £15
Maximum total claim per 24-hour period of £25
These rates include the cost of food and drinks, but in line with NHS policy, the purchase of any alcoholic drinks will not be reimbursed. Where refreshments and food are provided at meetings/NHS activities, subsistence allowances will not be paid except in exceptional circumstances, such as in order to meet dietary requirements that have not been catered for as part of the meeting – this must be agreed with the EMNODN contact in advance. Please note that tips and discretionary service charges, for example, in restaurants, will never be reimbursed and remain solely at the individual’s discretion.
All providers of childcare must be approved organisations: For example: in accordance with the recommendations from the local Trust’s childcare coordinators, who can provide an approved list of all providers.
Childcare costs- maximum of £4.50 per hour (receipts to be attached to the expenses form).
Other expenses
Parents and Carers may claim other expenses, such as telephone usage and stationery which may be required for the execution of their duties as a parent representative following prior agreement with the Network Director/Lead Nurse. All claims will need proof of purchase or some form of evidence of expenditure.